So here are some new things the kids
started doing last week....

The kids were out playing on the back porch,
and I was inside cooking.
I heard Lawson say, "Hudson, go get Mom!"
Which didn't sound good.
So, I headed out....
and there was Lawson swinging super high by herself!
Now she is 5....
and I'm sure most 5 year olds can swing themselves;
but whenever we have suggested to Lawson that she learn to swing herself, she would just say, "No, you swing me." And if you know her, when she has her mind set, you will pretty much be wasting your time to try to convince her otherwise. Besides, I don't mind swinging my children. It's fun (for the first 20 minutes!), and we always sing silly songs while we do it.

So I asked her how she learned to swing...
she said she had just been watching other kids at school and started doing what they do.
And there you have her motivation....
she doesn't like to be left behind!

AND Hudson has started writing his name...
anytime he has a crayon and paper.
I noticed him putting his own name on
his art projects at SS Noah this week.
He has been able to write an "H" since he was about 2 1/2, but all of a sudden he is trying the rest of the letters and doing a great job! So cute!