Hudson's first game of the season was today! We went out yesterday to buy him some basketball shoes...and came home with 3 pairs because there were several factors to be considerd and we couldn't decide. So, this morning...he had to make a tough decision. Nike's advertising campaign is effective with even 5 year olds...because he picked the Nike shoe... he already recognizes that there is something special about that "swoosh"!
The team decided to get there names printed on the back. Each kid got to pick what they wanted printed on their jersey. EVERY kid but Hudson has there first name or a nickname on their jersey. Hudson said he wanted his last name on his jersey...because that's how they do it in the NBA.
The YMCA pledge
There is a lot more strategy to their game this year...it's really fun to watch!
The players have to tuck their shirts in. Robbie had losely tucked in Hudson's so that it looked "cool". During the pledge, we noticed Hudson re-tucking in his shirt...just as tight as he could! Awesome!
This little girl was just casually walking around the floor...and Hudson was "guarding" her with all he had. She had the funniest look on her face...like she had no idea what he was doing or why he was doing it!
Hudson's first shot! He missed it. Last year he played on a 6 ft goal. This year the goal is 8 ft and the ball is larger (and heavier) so he is really having to work to make a basket.
He ended up taking 3 shots, but not points. He had 3 rebounds and 2 steals. Way to go Hudson!
Meanwhile, Lawson found yet another cool thing to do with the iPad. Use the chalkboard app to keep score! Quite an upgrade from the little dry erase board and markers she carried to every game last year!