Hudson set up his piano (next to our big one) and asked for some crayons and a piece of paper. I asked him what he was going to do with it... he said "write a song".
And he did. He would play and then "write". Play and then "write".
I have been married for 19years (where has the time gone???) to my best friend! God has blessed us with two precious children who make us laugh at least once every day (and make us want to pull our hair out every now and then as well!)
I love Jesus, my wonderful family, my friends, the color red, the Cowboys, the Mavericks, watching my kids play (when they don't know I am watching), the internet, holiday traditions, People Magazine, Diet Coke, the USA, things on sale, floating on a raft in the pool, good hair days, thunderstorms, text messaging, watching sports with my hubby, PF Changs, the beach, reality TV, Happy Hour at Sonic, exercising, good music, holding my kids' hands, movies, red licorice, sunsets, shopping for anything, a clean house, laying in bed and watching Good Morning America, vacations, pedicures, my kids dressed in their Sunday best, New York City, new clothes, babies, Pottery Barn and laughing! (It might would have been easier for me to tell you what I DON'T like!)
I am so thankful for the blessings (big and small) that my wonderful Savior gives me each day and for his love and mercy that never fail!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:4-5)
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