Saturday, August 7, 2010

D-O-N-E Done!

This is a big project crossed off of my to-do list!
FINALLY...I have completed both of my chidren's baby books!
( And yes, I am aware that my children and 6 and almost 4!)
One summer when I was pregnant with Hudson, I mostly finished Lawson's. So this summer, I have really committed to working on Hudson's and finishing up Lawson's during my free time. And as of this morning they are complete! I'm not really into or have the nack for scrapbooking , so this took a lot of discipline on my part to get it done! And I'm so glad! It was such a sweet trip down memory lane! I think their books are and will be such fun treasures for our family to enjoy in the future!


  1. woo-hoo!! congratulations! Gotta feel good. And you are so right - you will all be so very glad you did this years down the road! Good job, Nat!

  2. Great Job, Nat! And now that you are in the mode, wanna do mine??? =)
