Monday, March 14, 2011

Spring Break - Part 2

On Monday afternoon, we loaded up and drove down to the city that is "twice as nice!" Texarkana. We took the kids to do the totally cliche but OH so necessary standing in two states at the same time photo. Even though we go to Texarkana for every holiday, we had never done this. So, now we have!We spent all our time outside here, too!
Lawson did some fine sidewalk painting and drawing...with some help from her assistant, Mimi.
Rob and I were overseeing the project!
We went swimming in an indoor pool for about 30 wasn't as warm as it should have been! Because Hudson has no body fat and was shaking uncontrolably...we decided to cut the swimming short! But, the kids hadn't swam since last summer so they thought it was awesome!
Here he is still trying to warm up after swimming!
Mimi threw Lawson a little early birthday party! She made the cookie cake!
On Tuesday, we decided to take the kids golfing. They had never been...Hudson has been asking to play on a REAL course...and the weather was gorgeous!
We paid to play 9 holes...but were pretty sure the kids wouldn't want to stick with it that long...and we were cool with that.
La liked it for about 2 holes.
Hudson played ALL nine....which took us 3 1/2 hours...and he was still going strong!
He just played with wiffle balls....but he has quite a swing...and knocked the fire out of them!

I, however, was totally along for the ride! Loved sitting outside with the cool breeze, watching my guys play golf and driving a cart!
Hudson wanted to do everything just like his daddy. So sweet!
He would intentionally hit the ball into the sand trap so that he would have to go in the sand to hit it out. We kept telling him that you want to avoid the sand...but there was no convincing him!
He was just SO cute out there!
And then he crashed! That golf game caught up with him!

Thank you Mimi and Doo Dad for the golf and the good food! We had a super time!

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