Took the kiddos to the water park today! It's not summer without a trip to the waterpark. I remember how much I LOVED going to the water park when I was little. Still do actually! Count me out on an amusement park during summer...too hot!! But, I will ride water slides all day.
Next year, we will probably go to a bigger park...but we went to this one again this year. It just has a couple of simple water slides and diving boards. Its simple, and practical. It's been perfect for the kids the last few years.
This was Hudson's first time jumping off the diving board. They don't alow you to use any type of flotation device when jumping off. You have to be able to swim to the side by yourself. Last year, we weren't sure he would be able to manage that. But, this summer...he has totally caught on to swimming and we knew he would be fine. I thought he might be a little bit hesitant and require some coaxing before jumping looks high when you get up there! But, he just jumped right it was nothing new!
It was definitely a day of fun in the sun!
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