Monday, May 20, 2013

Another hit!

It was really awesome that Hudson was safe at 1st...the player dropped the ball or he would have been out.  We had someone different coaching 1st base tonight and when the player dropped the ball the coach sent Hudson on to second.  Our regular coach probably would not have done he knows what the boys strengths and weaknesses are.  Hudson is GREAT at a lot of things...but we are still working on speedy running.  He spends a lot of time looking at whoever has the ball.  Running wearing that huge helmet and looking backwards doesn't improve your running speed any.  SO, please don't think I'm a bad mom when you hear me say "oh..don't send him...he isn't fast!"  But, he showed me wrong...he ran looking backwards...slid into second and was safe!  And then I breathed a huge sigh of relief! Way to go, Hudson!

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