And just to they were on the first day of school! Love, love their little shadows on the garage door!
Headed to school one last time as 1st and 4th graders!
Little Miss All A Honor Roll for the 4th 9 weeks! Rather ALL year! Way to go La!
We celebrated Father's Day with Daddy and Poppa! I whipped up a Pork Chops and Rice Casserole and Brownies for Dessert! It was yummy! We love our Mens!
Got to see my Dad the day before! Loved him him now!
The kids had a great time at Summer Spectacular at Rock Creek
Hudson was on the blue team at Summer Spectacular! He dressed himself like this one morning! He is definitely all in! Go Blue!
Hudson learned about Michael Jackson in his music class right before school got out! He is obsessed! He had Robbie download all MJs hits on his iTouch. He listens to them and watches him on you tube videos all the time! The other day he came out dressed like this...struck this pose...and said "guess who mom?" I was super impressed! He raided the dress up clothes box and his closet and came up with this outfit! The freaky part was I heard later that it was the 5th anniversary of MJs death.
These cuties! The girls showed up dressed alike one day when they went to lunch with their grandparents. I can't believe they got Hudson to cuddle up with his sister like this...especially in public! So glad that took a pic...otherwise I would not have believed them!
I have been married for 19years (where has the time gone???) to my best friend! God has blessed us with two precious children who make us laugh at least once every day (and make us want to pull our hair out every now and then as well!)
I love Jesus, my wonderful family, my friends, the color red, the Cowboys, the Mavericks, watching my kids play (when they don't know I am watching), the internet, holiday traditions, People Magazine, Diet Coke, the USA, things on sale, floating on a raft in the pool, good hair days, thunderstorms, text messaging, watching sports with my hubby, PF Changs, the beach, reality TV, Happy Hour at Sonic, exercising, good music, holding my kids' hands, movies, red licorice, sunsets, shopping for anything, a clean house, laying in bed and watching Good Morning America, vacations, pedicures, my kids dressed in their Sunday best, New York City, new clothes, babies, Pottery Barn and laughing! (It might would have been easier for me to tell you what I DON'T like!)
I am so thankful for the blessings (big and small) that my wonderful Savior gives me each day and for his love and mercy that never fail!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:4-5)
I love how Lawson shows off her sexy feet and toes