Thursday, January 27, 2011

That's My Girl!

A few days 5:45am...Lawson stumbled into our bedroom and climbed into our abandoned bed (sadly Rob and I were up getting ready for work). I was in the bathroom doing my make-up.
After laying there quietly for several minutes she said, "Mom, is it called Ross or Ross's?" A bit puzzled (we don't really frequent I didn't know how she knew about it!), I answered, "The clothing store?"
She said, "yes....and they have shoes there too, right?"
"Yes, I said."
Lawsn then informed me that we need to go there because her friend Madeline got some "Rainbow Sketchers" from there. She asked if we could go right after school and I told her we would see.
She was quiet again for a few minutes. Then she said "Mom, did the Mavs win last night?"
Robbie had been listening to our conversation and started to laugh! He said, "she is SO your daughter. Concerned with shopping and the mavs!" And he is right!
She is a girl after my own heart!
These are the rainbow Sketchers from Ross. We never made it to Ross...but her Nonie did!
Thanks, Nonie!

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