Saturday, July 17, 2010

Another Lawson Funny

We are eating breakfast this morning, and Hudson is having a melt down because he only gets 2 cinnamon rolls. (There are only 8 rolls in a package and 4 in our 2 a piece. I think Hudson could eat all 8 by himself. They are his FAVE!)
Robbie and I had both tried reasoning with him and telling him he could have something else with his cinnamon rolls....but it just wasn't working. Hudson had been crying for about 5 minutes.
Lawson (who had not really participated in the conversation before this point) sighed and said in an exasperated voice "I just can't get enough of this!" She meant she can't TAKE any more of this! The words just came out wrong, and she never realized what was so funny. Which was just hilarous! I laughed til I cried. I think it was the perfect emotional release for me (who was growing super frustrated with my 3 yr old!).

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