Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lawson Funny!

A few nights ago Lawson was in the bathroom taking her bath.
Me: Lawson are you about finished? It's Hudson's turn.
Lawson: Yes, I'm done.
Me: Ok, then start getting out please.
Lawson: (Huge gasp) Oh no! I forgot to put sleek in my hair!
Me: WHAT???
Lawson: I forgot to put sleek in my hair!

I had to walk in the bathroom and ask her again. At that point, I saw her reaching for her conditioner. And then I saw that the conditioner bottle does have the work "sleek" on it. I'm not sure how she knows how to pronounce that work or why she just doesn't call it conditioner (like I do). But needless to say her hair is much more manageable once she puts "sleek" on it! So I'm glad she remembered to put it on!

1 comment:

  1. That funny girl!! - and she not only washes her own hair, but puts conditioner on it? How helpful! And how old!
