Sunday, April 17, 2016

US National Cheer Comp

Lawson's team won a full paid bid to the US Finals competition at their last competition.  So, we headed back to Kansas City to compete once again!
2 girls from her team had prior obligations and so they had to change their stunts and formations a little to fill in gaps.  I was worried because those last minute changes can really throw you off when you had your routine so well memorized.
But, they delivered another very solid performance!  Every competition I feel that they have more confidence in really "selling" their routine...those smiles, facial expressions and crispness just go to the next level.  I love watching them perform!
They tied for 4th out of 9 teams.  9 very top notch teams.  You had to win a bid to compete in this competition.  The girls were dissapointed that they didn't win first but were still able to leave knowing they competed well. 

Lawson and Coach Courtney
We competed around 6:15 and we found out earlier in the week that Empire (Lawson's previous cheer gym in Bryant) would be competing around we had to stick around and support them!  Once of Lawson's best friends, Anna, is on that team!  The girls were so excited to see each other.  Pretty fun to both be at the same competition!

Lawson, Coach Brook and Anna (Is Coach Brook the shortest?!  Think so! Eeek!) Empire rocked and won champion jackets in their category!  It was a fun night! 

1 comment:

  1. Horny little cheerleader probably took a dick right before competition... Snuck away pulled off her knickers and let some random dad get laid
