Sunday, July 12, 2009

Belly Busters & a Chocolate Goatee

One of the members of our Worship Team from Church invited the Worship Team and their families over for a cookout and some swimming this afternoon! We thoroughly enjoyed our time there! They have a beautiful backyard and she must of spent hours preparing the food! It was quite a spread and hit the spot after a couple of hours of swimming! Thank you Hollinger family!
Here are some pics from the afternoon. Here is Lawson with a chocolate goatee!
Everyone told her she looked like her daddy!
Lawson wanted to make sure that we got a picture of the walrus' everyone could see it she said! (and arn't you glad?!)

Hudson proclaimed that the hot tub was only for kids and that all grown ups had to stay in the pool. He stood guard over it most of the afternoon.

"She wore an itsy, bitsy, teeny, weeny"....well it's not yellow....but it is polka dot!
As I was taking this picture, I overheard her Daddy telling someone that she will not be posing like that when she is 15!
Lawson has pretty much mastered swimming this summer. We keep a close eye on her...but she doesn't need any help at the pool now. She's got it!

It was Hudson's first time to jump off of a diving board today! He is SO brave in the water and is swimming really well! (almost too well...if you know what I mean....NO fear of water!) He can swim as far as he can go on one now we are working on trying to get him to come up and take a breath . Evidentally belly busters don't hurt if you are 2....because Hudson did about 20 today and kept coming back for more!

1 comment:

  1. she wouldn't be wearing her itsy bitsy for long if I had her, naked is how kids should be showing the sexy tight little bodies
