Friday, September 18, 2009

Hudson Turns 3!

Here is Hudson enjoying a birthday cheeseburger!

Seriously? My baby boy is 3?! 2 is still a baby age....but 3 definitely is not! So this one has been kinda hard on me! Even though it was bittersweet for his mom, we still managed to have a lot of fun today!
We picked up Lawson after school and headed out to Bear Creek Park for a family game of baseball on a kiddie sized baseball practice field they have there. Hudson is smitten with baseball right he just ate this up!
Then we let him pick where we would go for dinner. So, naturally, we ended up at McDonald's. Then we went to Sports Clips to get his hair cut. He requested to have it cut like baseball player hair, so we got it cut really short. It's very cute!
Then we went home and opened presents! He got a Lightning McQueen watch, a headband (which he had been asking for), a baseball night light, child-sized baseball batting gloves, a Handy Manny Truck/Tool Bench, clothes, a basketball goal bath tub toy, and a Lego/car table with Legos, animal Legos and people Legos. He scored!

Here are some pics of his birthdays past and some from the fun we had today:

3rd Birthday
2nd Birthday
1st Birthday
Original Birthday

Nonie and Poppa sent Hudson this adorable Cookie Bouquet today, too! He was so excited when the doorbell rang and this arrived for him! He immediately wanted to eat the "ball and glove" cookie!

Happy Birthday Hudson!
We love you!

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