Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Little about La

So I want to do a quick post about each of my kiddos and just document what they are up to these days. (you can click on these papers and they will get larger...makes them easier to read)
Everyday Lawson brings home several pages of writing from school. Her teacher has them spend time "journaling" everyday. They can write whatever they want....she just has them spend time writing everyday. I think it is SO sweet that she "journals" about family members. She is really taken with her triplet cousins and their sister Reese (and her Aunt Ashley and Uncle Landry). For several months in a row, she brought home papers with their names written on them over and over and over. She just spells their names the best she can.

She was copying some questions from a game on this one. I was REALLY impressed with her penmanship!

This is Lawson's favorite picture to draw. I probably have 50 of them! Just like this! Seriously!
Anytime she is give the opportunity to draw, this is what she draws! Isn't it so cute though?!
No reason to change if you've got something that works!
On Mother's Day was the first time I had seen this picture. I was really shocked to see her do something different. It is a playground. Dont' know what inspired her to draw something different, but I have seen this one several times since Mother's Day. Kinda nice to have a fall-back!
She loves to spend time on the computer. And is completely independent on the computer. She knows how to "google" whatever she wants to find. She will even find things for Hudson to do on the computer.
One day I heard her say, Hudson lets make a paper about things you like. They worked on this together. This is what they came up with. Again she spelled everything on her own! Hilarious.
It says that Hudson "likes" (not licks) basketball, baseball and Lightning McQueen. She wrote that she likes "Dora, blue and balls."
She is big-time into wearing my shoes. She comes home from school and goes STRAIGHT to my closet for the shoes she will be wearing the rest of the day. She is proud to wear them, too. If we go run an errand after school, she will march right into Target dressed like this!
This girl LOVES to make cupcakes.
We usually make them once a week.
She can pretty much do the entire process by herself now.
She also loves to read. And can read most of the books in our house with little help!
Hudson's post coming next.....stay tuned!

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