Saturday, August 15, 2009

Will I Be Saved by the Bell?

I had three goals for Hudson this summer:
1. get potty trained
2. get rid of his pappy (pacifier)
3. transition from his baby bed to his big boy bed
I have read all the parenting books and know that you shouldn't make more than one change at a time to a toddler's routine. So, I thought we would have plenty of time to conquer all three goals over our summer break from preschool. Evidently, I was a little too ambitious! We began working on goal 1 (potty training) on May 26. And as of today, we still have not mastered the task! There have been stretches where he has done perfect for 3 days at a time, then the next day he doesn't make it to the potty once! He knows how to go and has no issues with it....he just chooses not to when it isn't convenient. Makes me a crazy person!
So, we made a purchase at Cracker Barrel today...
The Buie Bathroom Bell!
When anyone in our house needs to potty,
they get to ring the bell before they go!
You are not allowed to ring the bell for any other reason! I'm hoping this bell will provide the extra incentive we need to get this thing mastered! I have tried to motivate him with other treats before, and he is only excited about it for a day and then doesn't care. I'm hoping that since the entire family is participating in the bell ringing that it will create more interest and have a more lasting effect. Since the bell was introduced this afternoon, Hudson rang the bell 3 times, pottied and stayed dry. So far, so good!
Also, I introduced a Potty Chart.
If you are dry when you go to potty, then you get to put a sticker on your chart. When your chart is full, you get to pick a treat at the Dollar Store. Hudson has already announced that he is going to get Chapstick for his prize! Not candy, not a toy! Chapstick! It's his new favorite thing!
Of course, Lawson is potty trained....she is just participating with Hudson because she wants a treat too! Her participating is also helping to stir up some friendly competition!
If this doesn't work, I think I may give up!

1 comment:

  1. your charts are cute Nat! I love charts & stickers... i'm wondering what can i come up with for R to do to have a chart with stickers - maybe cleaning up play room - get a sticker!?! Good luck with Hud!
    ALSO - about died when i saw the pic of those two in their "circus" costumes - CRAZY FUNNY!
