Friday, October 15, 2010

Another fun trip to the Arkansas State Fair

We spent the day at the Arkansas State Fair. It was great to spend some time with Rob's family. Mary & Morgan are the kiddos cousins in the pic above. (That is a stroller full of big kids isn't it?! I'm pretty sure my kids will be teenagers and I'll still be pushing a stroller....I LOVE my cup holders, compartment to keep my camera handy in, and storage bins for my jacket or my purse.) They were at the perfect age this year to really be able to enjoy the "fair" experience. They had a blast riding rides , petting animals, and eating funnel cake.

Hudson cried on this ride last year! It really whips the kids around the coner. A guess being a year older makes a big difference. He thought it was hilarous this year!

The kids were old enough to ride the tilt-a-whirl and scrambler this year! They loved them both...which suprised me!

I was pretty embarassed to be riding this ride! But, I have to admit it was a lot of fun! Probably my favorite fair ride this year! Seriously!

Look at my kids feeding animals! This is another big milestone for them as well! If you know them at all, you know they are both pretty freaked out by animals once they get up close to them usually.

How SERIOUSLY sweet are they holding hands!

The scrambler was Lawson's favorite ride.

Here they are playing their first fair game. And we made sure it was a game where everyone is a winner!
We took home a fabulous blue rainbow unicorn and noise making trumpet! Thanks Nonie and Poppa! (insert a bit of sarcasm)
The race car ride was Hudson's favorite ride.

We ended our day at the fair with the Ferris Wheel...of course!
It's my favorite ride and it's no good til dark!

Already can't wait til next year!

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